Monday 8 July 2013

Banish Blemishes on a Budget.

1. Thursday Plantation Tea-Tree-Oil BOOTS (£4.99) Pure tea tree oil is a natural anti-fungal, germicidal and antiseptic. If your spot is bacterial, this baby will get to work right away. It can be used on all skin types, and not just for spots. This natural god-send has loads of uses, just do a google search and you'll never run out of reasons to stock this bottle in your cupboard.

2. Witch Blemish Stick - BOOTS (£2.89) Infused with natural witch hazel, this product promises to break down blemish-causing oils and combat bacteria. Dab the product when any signs of skin impurities bubble to the surface, and it gets to work right away! The handy size makes it great for throwing in your handbag for spot fighting on the go!

3. Cod Liver Oil - BOOTS (£2.99) A natural supplement, cod liver oil contains vitamins A and D. Another great multi-action product, not only does it help maintain healthy muscles and bones, but it also assists in clearing up skin from the inside, out.

4. La-Roche-Posay Effaclar-Duo - BOOTS (£13) The most expensive product on the list, however what beauty blog reader hasn't come across this before?! It promises to reduce the appearance of facial impurities whilst also unclogging and purifying pores. It contains Linoleic acid which eliminates the dead skin cells responsible for causing all sorts of skin nasties.

5. DRINK PLENTY OF WATER! All hell breaks loose on your face if you're dehydrated.

1 comment:

  1. Also, stay away from peanut butter! Wish I could try out product #2 :)

    check out my blog <3
