Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Disco Pants!

So I've been sprawling the net over the past few weeks, jotting down everything I want to get after Christmas. (It's a long list..) One of the biggest 'MUST HAVES' on this extensive list is a pair of Disco Pants. For those of you unfamiliar with this growing craze, they are basically high-waisted high-shine leggings, originally made by American Apparel however, at £74, they are a bit on the pricey side.

I had a look around and the best 'dupes' of the AA Disco Pants I could find were actually from Topshop, and are a very reasonable £30! One of the reasons I am so in love with these leggings is that it they are SO easy to dress for either a day about town shopping or a night out clubbing. Here's a wee example of my faves products to pair with Topshop's disco pants (all items from Topshop)

The only slight problems I have seen when reading the reviews of the Topshop Disco Pant is the 1. They are made on the large side. Many shoppers were saying they were actually buying the pants 2 sizes smaller than what they usually wear! However, as I am usually a size 6...There is no smaller size for me to order. DILEMMA! The second is that they just aren't as thick as the AA version, however for more than half the price, that doesn't bother me too much!

So I hope you all liked this wee post on my new found love for the disco pant! And fingers crossed I can find a decent pair in my size! (Might even be really cheeky and see if the AA version goes on sale on Boxing Day :p) If anyone has any other tips on how they like to style their disco pants, let me know in the comments below or drop me a wee photo and I'll try and make a collective post on all your ideas!

Chat to ya soon :) 
       - Mairii_x xox

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